Watering-Related Guidelines For Your Kikuyu Turf

Image Source: https://aviewturf.com.au//kikuyu-grass Kikuyu turf is one of Australia’s most popular lawn choices due to several characteristics and features. The two most impressive and easily noticeable features of Kikuyu turf are drought tolerance and hardiness. However, just like any other turf, it will also require the right amount of water to stay healthy and greenContinue reading “Watering-Related Guidelines For Your Kikuyu Turf”

Understanding the Basics of Eureka Kikuyu Turf

Image Source: https://aviewturf.com.au/kikuyu-grass/ Everyone expects lushness, resilience, vibrancy and a long-lasting turf for their lawn, and this is where they rely upon eureka Kikuyu grass. It is the toughest and the most durable turf that can thrive easily in Australian sun and heat conditions. It comes with a whole list of benefits like it isContinue reading “Understanding the Basics of Eureka Kikuyu Turf”

Turf Buying Tips – Comparing Buffalo Grass and Kikuyu Grass

Image Source: https://aviewturf.com.au/buffalo-grass/ With so many different turfs available in the market, choosing the right one for your new lawn becomes tough. Often, it becomes one of the most complex decisions to make, and people are often confused between Kikuyu grass and buffalo grass. The ideal solution to this is understanding both these turfs and otherContinue reading “Turf Buying Tips – Comparing Buffalo Grass and Kikuyu Grass”

What Is Turf Certification And Why It Is So Important

Image Source: https://aviewturf.com.au/buffalo-grass/ So many reasons contribute to the popularity of Sir Walter buffalo grass in Sydney. A buffalo lawn in Sydney with this turf will withstand wear and tear caused by excessive foot traffic and different weather conditions. Let us go through some common facts related to Sir Walter buffalo grass in this post. WHATContinue reading “What Is Turf Certification And Why It Is So Important”

The Role of Fertilisers in Buffalo Lawn Growth in Sydney

Growing a turf involves more effort than bringing it from a particular variety and installing it. A considerable amount of Sydney turf supplies are needed, and the most important is fertiliser. A fact about fertilisers is that different types of lawns have other needs related to fertiliser application. Alongside this, another point is that ifContinue reading “The Role of Fertilisers in Buffalo Lawn Growth in Sydney”

Facts to Be Aware Of While Purchasing Kenda Kikuyu Turf

Image Source: https://aviewturf.com.au/kikuyu-grass/ The owners of homes that have kids, pets and a lawn are always curious about the quality of their turf. Kids and pets love to play outdoors, and this influences the turf quality significantly. In such a setting, kikuyu turf Sydney can work really well, as it is a fast-establishing turf withContinue reading “Facts to Be Aware Of While Purchasing Kenda Kikuyu Turf”

Easy Tips Related To Maintaining Kikuyu Turf

Life rejuvenates every morning when you wake up and witness a fresh green lawn in front of your property. This lawn of your dreams is very easy to visualise with the help of Kikuyu turf, which is known as the toughest and the fastest growing turf offering great value. All these characteristics and features haveContinue reading “Easy Tips Related To Maintaining Kikuyu Turf”

Determining the Best Grass between Soft Leaf Buffalo and Sir Walter

A wide variety of buffalo turf is available from turf suppliers. This turf is incredibly versatile and loved by the people of Australia more than any other type. One of them is soft leaf buffalo turf which has stood the test of time and developed into the most sought after grass variety in Australia. PeopleContinue reading “Determining the Best Grass between Soft Leaf Buffalo and Sir Walter”

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